Container glass plant to be built in Cuba

Publish Time: 2018-10-29     Origin: Eworld Machine

An Italian-Cuban joint venture will build a $90 million (€76 million) container glass plant in Cuba.

Cuban authorities have approved the joint venture, called Vidrio Mariel, which will build the plant in the Special Development Zone of Mariel (ZEDM).

Vidrio Mariel is a venture between Italian company Nelson Servizi and the Cuban group Quimi, which is headed by the Grupo Empresarial de la Industria Quimica of the Ministry of Industry.

Construction of the plant is due to be completed by the end of 2020. The plant will have a capacity of 110 tonnes a day or 40,000 tonnes a year.

This production will be able to satisfy about 70% of Cuban domestic demand with the remainder destined for export. Vidrio Mariel is authorised to operate in Cuba for approximately 25 years. 

The Mariel industrial zone (pictured) is located 45 km east of Cubas’s capital, Havana.


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